Father - Pine Tualemoso Ma'o, Faleasao & Sili, Manu'a "Pine" pronounced Ping-ay
Mother - Fa'atafeapeauolesami Seupule, Faleasao, Manu'a "Fa'atafea"
My Aunties: Te'evale Ali'ipule (deceased), Katerina Ah-Soon (deceased), Ana Yandall (deceased), Fualaau Gaoteote (Vatia, AS), Kolini Veniale (San Francisco, CA), Siniue Pine-Auelua (deceased)
My uncles and my dad:
Fa'alua Tualemoso Pine (deceased), Pine Tualemoso Pine Jr. (deceased), Titipa Tualemoso Pine (Long Beach, CA).
This image along with the family names were found at: In Memory of Siniue-Pineauelua Siniue was the sister of my father Titipa Tualemoso Pine. My mom says she has some pictures of the sisters when they were in California when we were younger. Judging by this background, I'd say this image was most likely taken in Samoa.